Our partners, listed below, are organizations that, like MRPEA, are committed to protecting the retirement benefits provided through the Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi. We are thankful for the support of these like-minded organizations.
The Mississippi Association of Personnel Administrators (MAPA) is a nonprofit, professional association established in 1981 and incorporated in 1987. MAPA serves to advance the knowledge of personnel administration as an art or science; to disseminate information to its members regarding personnel administration; to provide opportunities for education and to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas among members.
The Mississippi Association of School Administrators (MASA) is the oldest educational organization in Mississippi serving administrators across our great state. MASA is proud to be the state affiliate for the American Association of School Administrators.
The Mississippi Professional Educators (MPE) is a statewide professional organization whose members come from all aspects of the educational systems in our state and is an alternative to union participation. Founded in 1979, MPE’s members include teachers, administrators and non-certified staff from kindergarten to graduate school level.
The Mississippi Public Health Association (MPHA) has strived since 1937 to strengthen public health in Mississippi through leadership, advocacy, and education. MPHA provides its members with professional development and networking opportunities while also serving as the voice of public health in Mississippi.
The Retired Education Personnel of Mississippi (REPM) serves the interests of retired educators in the state. Founded in 1967, REPM serves its members by promoting the economic, social, and professional welfare of retirees.
The Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police works to be a leader in promoting professionalism among all law enforcement officers of the State of Mississippi by encouraging quality education through proactive training and educational programs.
The Mississippi Association of School Superintendents (MASS) is a non-profit association with a thriving membership made up of the 141 public school superintendents across the state of Mississippi.
The Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB) was established in 1986 and has diligently coordinated efforts to enhance educational opportunities statewide by aiding in the advancement of the Mississippi community college system.
The Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association works to establish harmony of action in the cultivation of benevolent fellowship, secure protection and promote the best interest of the Fire Chiefs of Mississippi.
The Mississippi State Troopers Association (MSTA) is a group of sworn officers of the Department of Public Safety, State of Mississippi, who work to be mutually helpful to one another in an effort to provide better statewide police services to the people of Mississippi, to coordinate with the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Chief of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol on plans to promote a higher degree of professionalism and morale within the Department
The MSU Association of Retired Faculty (ARF) was organized on July 24, 1986 and has programs of interest to retired MSU faculty and professionals such as PERS, Social Security, and even medical issues.
The Professional Firefighters Association of Mississippi (PROFAM) has worked over the years with the Mississippi Fire Chiefs and Fire Fighters Association to bring about change and improve legislation for fire fighters by creating better wages and working conditions and securing retirements.
The Friends of PERS is a Facebook group comprised of PERS members and family members who are looking for a forum to ask each other their questions about PERS.